• +91 9470092817,   9973505891
  • bbmbedcollege2010@gmail.com

DVV Clarifications

Extended Profile

Serial No. Details View/Download
2.1 Number of full time teachers year wise during the last five years.   View
2.2 Number of Sanctioned posts year wise during the last five years.   View
3.1 Total expenditure excluding salary year wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs)   View
3.2 Number of Computers in the institution for academic purposes.   View
1.4 Number of outgoing/ final year students who appeared for final examination year wise during the last five years.   View
1.5 Number of graduating students year-wise during last five years.   View
1.2 Sanction of intake from University for all programmes   View


Serial No. Details View/Download
1.1.2 A copy of the programme of action for in- house curriculum planned and adopted during the last completed academic year   View
1.1.3 Report and photographs with caption and date of teacher orientation programmes   View
1.2.1 Curriculum provides adequate choice of courses to students as optional / electives including pedagogy courses for which teachers are available.   View
1.2.2 Average Number of Value-added courses offered during the last five years.   View
1.2.3 Course completion certificates, year wise during last five years   View
1.2.5 Certificates/ evidences for completing the self-study course(s) and List of the students enrolled and completed in the self study course   View
1.4.1 Sample filled-in feedback forms of the stake holders   View
1.4.2 Action taken report of the institution.   View
2.1.1 Sanction of intake from University & Approved admission list year wise/ program-wise.   View
1.2.4 Relevant documents highlighting the institutional facilities provided to the students to avail self study courses as per Data Template & Document showing teachers’ mentoring and assistance to students to avail of self-study courses   View
2.1.3 Certificates of EWS and Divyangjan   View
2.1.2 Number of students enrolled from the reserved categories during last five years   View
2.2.2 Documents highlighting the activities to address the student diversities & Photographs with caption and date.   View
2.2.3 Documents highlighting the activities to address the differential student needs & Photographs with caption and date.   View
2.2.4 Documents of mentor-mentee activities & Mentors List.   View
2.3.3 Number of students using ICT support (mobile-based learning, online material, podcast, virtual laboratories, learning apps etc.) for their learning, for the last completed academic year.   View
2.3.4 Lesson plan /activity plan/activity report to substantiate the use of ICT by students in various learning situations with photographs.   View
2.3.6 Reports of activities conducted related to recent developments in education.   View
2.4.1 Reports of activities & Documentary evidence in support of the selected response/s   View
2.4.2 Reports and photographs of the activities and Attendance sheets of the workshops/activities   View
2.4.4 Samples prepared by students for each indicated assessment tool and Documents showing the different activities for evolving indicated assessment tools.   View
2.4.5 Sample evidence showing the tasks carried out for each of the selected response.   View
2.4.6 Documentary evidence showing the activities carried out for each of the selected response & Report of the events organized.   View
2.4.7 Samples of assessed assignments for theory courses of different programmes.   View
2.4.9 Copy of the schedule of work of internees in each school & Plan of teacher engagement in school internship.   View
2.4.13 Format of Criteria and Weightages for interns’ performance appraisal used and Five filled in formats for each of the aspects claimed.   View
2.5.1 Sanction letters indicating number of posts (including Management sanctioned posts) .   View
2.5.2 The consolidated list of full time teachers in the institution with Ph.D. degree during last five years.   View
2.5.3 Experience certificate.   View
2.7.2 Certified report from the Head of the Institution indicating pass percentage of students programme-wise.   View
2.7.4 Record of student – wise/programmewise/semester-wise Internal Assessment of students for the last completed academic year.   View
2.4.3 Details of the activities carried out during last completed academic year in respect of each response indicated.   View
2.4.10 Sample copies for each of selected activities claimed and School-wise internship reports showing student engagement in activities claimed.   View
2.4.12 Two filled in sample observation formats for each of the claimed assessors .   View
3.1.4 Details of reports highlighting the claims made by the institution.   View
3.3.3 Documentary evidence in support of the claim along with photographs with caption and date.   View
3.3.5 Supporting documents related this metrics   View
3.4.1 List of teachers/students benefited by linkage – exchange and research.   View
3.4.2 Copies of the MoU’s with institution/ industry/ corporate house.   View
3.3.2 Event-wise photographs with captions and dates.   View
3.4.3 Report of each activities.   View
3.3.1 Report of each outreach activity organized along with photographs   View
3.2.1 E-copies of outer jacket/contents page of the journals in which articles are published & First page of the article/journals   View
4.2.3 E-copy of the letter of subscription /member ship in the name of institution & Receipts of subscription /membership of e-resources.   View
4.2.4 Income Expenditure statements highlighting the expenditure on purchase of books, journals, e-resources.   View
4.2.6 Relevent documents related this metrics.   View
4.3.2 Purchase receipts and relevant pages of the Stock Register.   View
4.3.3 Bill for any one month during the last completed academic year indicating internet connection plan, speed and bandwidth   View
4.3.4 List the equipment purchased for claimed facilities along with the relevant bills   View
4.4.1 Income-Expenditure statement highlighting relevant items   View
5.1.1 Report on each capability building and skill enhancement initiative adopted and Photographs with date and caption for each initiative.   View
5.1.2 Geo-tagged photographs available student support facilities.   View
5.1.3 Composition of the student grievance redressal committee including sexual harassment and ragging and Institutional guidelines for students’ grievance redressal .   View
5.1.4 Report of the Placement Cell & Income Expenditure statement highlighting the relevant expenditure towards student concession along with approval letter.   View
5.2.1 consolidated list of of students of the institution placed as teachers/teacher educators Year wise during the last five years, duly singed by competent authority and Appointment letters of 10% graduates for each year.   View
5.2.2 Details of graduating students and their progression to higher education & Documentary evidence in support of the claim.   View
5.2.3 Copy of certificates for qualifying in the state/national examination.   View
5.3.2 Copy of circular indicating such kind of events and Reports of the events along with the photographs with captions and dates.   View
5.4.2 Report of alumni participation in institutional functioning for last completed academic year & Documentary evidence for the selected claim.   View
5.4.3 Agenda and minutes of the meeting of Alumni Association.   View
4.1.3 Income Expenditure statements highlighting the expenditure on infrastructure augmentation.   View
6.2.3 Screen shots of user interfaces of each module, Annual e-governance report and Geo-tagged photographs.   View
6.3.2 Institutional Policy document on providing financial support to teachers , E-copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to teachers and Certificate of participation for the claim.   View
6.3.3 Brochures / Reports along with Photographs with date and caption .   View
6.3.4 Copy of the FDP Course completion certificates.   View
7.1.3 Geo-tagged photographs and Income Expenditure statement highlighting the specific components.   View
7.1.4 Geo-tagged photographs & Income Expenditure statement highlighting the specific components   View
7.1.6 Geo-tagged photographs related to Green Practices adopted by the institution, Circulars and relevant policy papers for the claims made and Snap shots and documents related to exclusive software packages used for paperless office   View
7.1.7 Income Expenditure statement on green initiatives, energy and waste management.   View
7.1.9 Copy of the Code of Conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff of Institution and Reports of the periodic programmes to appraise adherence to the Code of Conduct   View
4.2.5 The number of teachers and students using library per working day for ten days each for five months during the last completed academic year and Certified copies of the ledger pages of the data for 5 days each for five months selected by the institution.   View
3.1.3 Income-Expenditure statements highlighting the relevant expenditure & Sanction letters of award of incentives .   View
4.1.2 Geo-tagged photographs of classrooms and seminar hall(s) with ICT facilities.   View
6.5.3 List of quality initiatives undertaken by IQAC / other quality mechanism & Report of the work done by IQAC or other quality mechanisms   View
2.6.2 Copy of university regulation on internal evaluation for teacher education and Annual Institutional Plan of action for internal evaluation   View